[Solved] aTube Catcher “Error 204” under status – Simple Solution

aTube Catcher is one of the leading software which helps you to download videos from various websites. YouTube is popular among them and most people use aTube catcher for fetching files from YouTube with the top quality. Built-in video converter option is an important feature of ATbe which helps users to convert downloaded videos to various formats without any extra installation.

Recently after YouTube made an update to its API, most people using aTube Catcher has been receiving a lot of error messages. Among those errors, “Error 204” is the important one where you no longer able to download video files. Those who surf YouTube may have seen the changes made by Google in order to bring a new look and feel for YouTube. Along with the UI, several backend changes were also made by team Google. Due to the quick API changes made by Google, aTube servers were down without able to download video files and atube team was not able to find out the issue.

aTube Catcher "Error 204"

How to solve Error 204 in aTube Catcher?

Update the software One and only one solution

Finally, aTube team have solved this issue. They found out the real reason behind Error 204 in aTube catcher and made an update to the software. Now its compatible with the new design of YouTube and help you to download videos without further issues.

Step 1:- Click on the Help button

Step 2:- From the list, click on Search updates.

Error 204 atube catcher

In most case people those who are receiving error 204 may be using outdated software. So click Yes option and a new webpage will open with new version download link.

Step 3:- Download the newest version and reinstall aTube catcher.

In most cases, this will solve your issue. If the problem still persists, please check your internet connection, proxy or VPN. Did this method solve your issue? Please comment it below. Also if you know any other tricks, please comment it below. It may help hundreds of people looking at the same issue.


  1. Chad Wichterman July 7, 2018
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